logic AND function. now seeks to "complicate" a little bit on our circuit. The last time we saw how you can operate a gate either from multiple locations in the circuit by entering simple pneumatic components that act as logical operators OR. In this post we will know a operarore other logical AND operator. We will see that it is possible, by connecting more valves, re-create an AND operator without using additional components and therefore complicate the circuit.
We refer to this more at the gate of Figure 9.
We wonder what we foresee in the circuit of an automatic gate opener if we are to meet the following assumptions:
To fulfill these requirements we need signs to indicate that the gate is open or closed. Prepare the button that is activated when the gate is open and one when it is closed. The buttons that perform this task are those that are generally switch valves 3 / 2 NC controlled mechanically, in our case from the gate that ends its rotation (Fig. 9).

Because the gate can be opened by activating V2 or V2 'must be on the limit FC2. Conversely, because the gate will close by activating V1 and V1 'must be on the limit FC1. To achieve these conditions the limit switches and valves must be connected to AND together as shown in Figure 10 in the case of V2 and FC2.
fig. 10 - Circuit diagram of the logic AND function.
Table 3 summarizes all the possible combinations between V2 and FC2 connected to AND.
Table 3 - Summary of possible combinations of FC2 and V2 connected to AND.
If we use the digits "0" and "1" as was done for the logic OR function yields the following truth table.
Table 4 - Table of V2 and FC2 connected to AND.
In summary we can say that only if V2 and FC2 are simultaneously active generating the output signal from the valve and then the AND gate opens.
To get a link, simply AND of two valves connected in series. In this way, in fact, the signal can pass only if both valves are active (Fig. 11).
fig. 11 - AND being made in connection with standard valves.
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