Friday, August 12, 2005

Curtain Rod Shapes In India


As continuation of the First International Congress of the Secular Order of Caramel Teresiano, held in Rome in 1996, it was decided to prepare enthusiastically second Congress, this time based in San Juan de los Lagos in Mexico.

August 31

Arrival at Guadalajara: Hotel accommodation "Casa Grande" from 8 to 15.
- Delivery of materials
- Carriage House at the Pastoral
- Distribution of the rooms and the keys
- Accommodation in the hotel rooms
- General
19.30: Dinner.
After the meticulous preparation of the Congress, the Secular Order's general coordinators came from Rome to Guadalajara. We are prepared to welcome the members of the Secular from 33 countries worldwide and 42 districts of the Order.

The reception and registration took place in Hotel "Casa Grande", located at the airport in Guadalajara. Once registered participants, we traveled by bus to the Special Diocesan Pastoral House "John Paul II", located just 4 km. from San Juan de los Lagos. This is a city where there is a shrine Mexican second in importance only to that of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

On arrival at the Pastoral Center, Secular Carmelites were received and placed in the House by members of the Mexican National Council of the Secular and employees of the same order.

same day, once settled, we went to share a welcome dinner, start the experience of community life for the whole duration of the Congress. As the melody of a symphony, you could catch the voice of several tools in different languages, gathered in the Carmelite Church concert by the same director, the Holy Spirit. The climate of the dinner was joyous for some joy aroused by the fact that the brothers meet again, for others a joy due at auction that accompanies the discovery of new faces, lives and experiences. Some faces from far away countries, almost unknown, others from neighboring countries and the same nation. The ambience reflects the spirit of the Church, its unity in diversity of languages, races and nations. A wonderful diversity of people united by the same name, the Secular Order of Caramel Teresiano, under the protection of a single Mother, Our Lady of Mount Caramel, with the same charism and mission work in the vineyard, all united in the same Lord and brother, Jesus Christ.

September 1


The following day, September 1, 200, Jubilee year, the motto "Only one Order with the same charisma," we met at nine o'clock in the morning of the hearing room of the house Pastoral Care for the inauguration. From the desk of the leader, the father Flavio Caloi OCD, Vicar General of the Order of Caramel Teresa, the Director General and Coordinator of the Secular Order of this Congress, P. Aloysius Deeney, began the OCDS International Congress of San Juan de los Lagos, in the absence of the father Camilo Maccise. Then his father Nicolas Garcia Rodriguez OCD, Provincial of the Province of St. Albert of Mexico, appointed by Father General, still absent, he read out the letter of welcome from the Father General to direct all of us attending the Congress. In addition to the letter, Father Nicolas has exposed the audience, eager to listen to the words of his father General always stimulating, even the conference he had prepared for this occasion: "The contribution of the Secular to the Church, shared responsibility and cooperation."

The words of the document, the broad, transcendent of our leaders, as well as its confidence in our renewed effort, have rekindled in us the desire to continue to sail on the wide boat, hopefully creative and responsible, in collaboration with other styles life of Caramel Teresian it in the sea of \u200b\u200bthe world. We took our mission clearly in the light of the exposure of documents Vatican Council II, and especially christifidelis Laity. Our minds were lit to begin the work-driven actualization of the Rule of Life and Articles of Association of the OCDS, with fidelity to the charisma and creativity to face the challenges and demands of our time, transition time, and accelerated change in all the world. There has also been reported the importance of creative fidelity with a new vision of the Church, which allows us to work as lay priests, bringing the plans for the actualization of charisma.

In summary, to achieve the transformation that the world needs to Caramel Teresa, Father General has reminded us of the need to be secular well formed, capable of being truly Christian with discernment, determination to complete the works undertaken to design the vision of charisma in all areas of the Church and the world, in response to a universal call to holiness of Christ.

providing further information on what the specific duties of the Secular according to his abilities, skills and works, the fruits of a solid, Camilo's father also insisted on the importance to engage responsibly in their training of the Carmelites, under the charism of the Order , gift of the Spirit for the Church. He also referred to as such a gift to be crystallized in following the rules and constitutions of the Order.

These are the models for living the essence of our charism, shaped along the following lines.

configuration to Christ.
1. Union with God in prayer and apostolate.
2. Living in growing friendship with God, aided by the Word and the personal and liturgical prayer.
3. Permeated with apostolic zeal and charity.
4. Embody the charisma in a theological perspective. Finally

said as such features are possible thanks to a comprehensive education that enables the Carmelite to be an apostle in the Church to meet the challenges of transforming the world of Christian values \u200b\u200band imbues it illuminated by the doctrine of John of the Cross and Teresa.

After a short break, we were divided into 8 groups to respond to issues raised by Father Camilo. Each group has appointed a coordinator and a secretary, the first to coordinate the participation and a certain order, the second to pin the contributions of each participant in order to make following is a summary of all responses. Each of these summary then, was presented in the plenum.

After lunch, Fr Italian Attilio Ghisleri presented in his lecture, entitled "Training for the new millennium." His presentation was interesting, timely and of great importance for us lay Carmelites in front of the third millennium.

If the conference in the morning Father Camilo enthusiasm has inspired us to renew our charter, our responsibility and importance in the Order, the Conference of the father Attilio, the last of this September 1, added lines of concrete in the pursuit to give answers as Christians and Carmelites in all areas of being and acting human.

After the break, as usual, we gathered in groups to answer the questions raised by his father Attilio.

We then gathered for language groups for the recitation of vespers and prayer.

The day ended with dinner, during which he is on sharing the experiences of the first day.

September 2

The following day, September 2, after the morning prayer and a delicious breakfast, we had the opportunity to listen to Teresa Ee Choo. His presentation, entitled Co-responsibility in the apostolate of the Secular spirituality, has opened several windows. Through these openings, we have opened our first commitment in the secular church, opening the second took our eyes on two other points: the apostolate and prayer as a means to pursue our mission in the world agreement with the Christifideles Laity and our special responsibility as the laity in evangelization of those places, cultures, societies, work places where only we can get. In the third window has reawakened our concern for the whole world, for its current circumstances, our commitment to each according to his abilities in all fields of the Church.

more aware of our mandate and lay the Order in the Church, as well as our commitment to self-formation as Carmelites to be faithful witnesses of Christ through the charism of Caramel Teresiano, we went to the training of groups in order to analyze the our realities, and draft proposals.

The following theme was presented by Marie Claire Icery, under the title secular and Missions of the Order. Marie Claire has presented us with the view of the Order in its missionary dimension in two respects: the current work of the Carmelites in the various mission areas and the pressing needs of evangelization "Ad Gentes."

As planned, we have discussed in groups on the subject, we answered questions and suggestions.

on this subject showed the following points: the diverse terrain of Mount Caramel Missionary Teresa is a vast area to cover in this vineyard, full of the needs of men and women in front of which the Carmelite Secular is called to give his answers .
I should also mention that the Carmelite Order is primarily "Christian" and as such form part of a community: the Church, which gives us the criteria, there is a series of duties, invites us to extend the evangelization of all peoples in all their documents apostolate lay.

Finally we realized that it is an essential part of being a missionary vocation of the Carmelite not only at home but also "Ad Gentes."

September 3: visit to the city of Guadalajara

Sunday, September 3 was a day of rest. The organizing committee had planned to take us to visit the nearby city of Guadalajara with some buses. After the morning Eucharist and breakfast, those who wished they could visit the city of Guadalajara and the nearby town of Tlaquepaque, where they spent the whole day. Others remained at the Pastoral Centre to continue its work. The trip was a visit to the city center, learn about different buildings and churches, lunch at a local restaurant in Tlaquepaque, accompanied by a group of Mariachis "(folk group in the region), and ended at 18, and The day ended with dinner, where we exchanged fraternal impressions of the visit today. During dinner we had the joy to have with us General Camilo Maccise father who, although he did not feel very well health, wanted to be with us for at least 24 hours. His short visit was very enriching, and its presence, despite the difficulties, it was because of affectionate welcome from each of the participants.

September 4 Monday, September 4

father Aloysius Deeney, General Delegate for the Secular Order, has given us a broad view of the charism of the Order, in his lecture titled The Secular Carmelite apostolate of the Order. In short we said what is to seek the face of God in prayer to send it to the world in service and apostolate. Led us to deepen our engagement with two questions: "Why do you want Carmelite be? "" Why God wants you to Caramel? "

These two questions have helped us to analyze our identity as a secular Carmelite. Most of us found not to know or do not have clear ideas of this identity as the foundation of our life within the Order.

Fr Deeney has also expanded the importance of our involvement in the Church, already mentioned by previous exhibitors, stressing that our charisma meets the needs of the Church and the building of humanity. A charisma, shaped by the legislative documents of the Secular, far from being a pastime, hand, is a serious commitment that requires to be completed, lay trained and available.

Then as always we have passed the stage of discussion and scrutiny of proposals by groups. During the day, the father Camilo Maccise, General Order, again chaired the session. For the duration of one hour, there was an open exchange of questions and answers between the General Assembly and the father. This intervention has helped us to clarify doubts and has contributed enormously to chart new pathways for the renovation and animation of the Order in front of the Third Millennium.

The day ended cones vespers at the end of the discussions group and with dinner.

September 5

Day 5 was devoted to work in groups to develop responses and refine the proposals.
After lunch he walked around the city of San Juan de los Lagos, especially the Shrine of Our Lady where we prayed and sang "Hello." Then we visited the House of Culture and the Town Hall where we were received by the city authorities who have offered us an ice cream flavor.
the evening after dinner, we had a nice display of his father John Strina. He and Mrs. Anna de Barsy have told us of Father John of Jesus and Mary OCD She told us her story, her enormous contribution music and Order, his relationship with St. Therese of Lisieux as a teacher and transmitter of the teachings of Teresa of Jesus and St. John of the Cross. E 'state of highest interest to ascertain the amplitude of the work of Fr John of Jesus and Mary, unknown to many among us.

September 6

The last day we met in plenary session, during which each of us secretaries have submitted proposals to our respective groups.

At the end each group has a representative to the International Commission. The Commission's task will be to study, translate and collaborate on work that will follow this Congress, especially in the revision of Regla of Life.

the evening we had two hours of Mexican music, performed by a group of "mariachis" coming from the nearby town of San Juan de los Lagos. It 'was the music of the symphony started the final day of the Welcome to Congress. At the end we were treated to a delicious Mexican dinner gala.

September 7

After breakfast on day 7 there was the parting of the head table and the expression of our gratitude to all those who have contributed with their help to the success of the Second International Congress of Secular Order Teresian Caramel.


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