initial greetings - P.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Carmelite
Welcome to this second International Congress of the Secular Order of Our Lady of Mount Caramel and St. Teresa of Jesus' was a great effort to organize this event. With sincere gratitude, for my part, I want to stress, time, energy that the Secretary General of the OCDS, Irma Estrada Franco, dedicated to organize this Congress. I would also like to thank the wonderful cooperation from the beginning of the Secular Mexico.
Why are we here? Let me stress that we are not here just to get together to meet other members of the OCDS. The meeting and the knowledge each other have a specific aim, to reflect together on projects in a responsible manner and to God that drew us to the Caramel, expressing our commitment and our response to that purpose in the legislation that governs our vocation. We are one family with a unique charisma. And each of us live this charism in its proper place and with his particular style of life.
This is the program of the Congress: the different speakers presenting various topics that touch our spirituality and its application to our times and places. You will be presented several questions in order to make you think and discuss. The different language groups in the group will respond to these questions. In preparation Congress, I asked the participants to familiarize themselves mainly with two documents, the Apostolicam Actuositatem and Christifideles Laity. I was also invited, through the Provincial and Provincial Delegates, a standard questionnaire that was discussed in the community and will also be reflected in the National and Provincial Councils, so that participants in the Congress knew the thoughts and ideas of each member OCDS. I would like to thank the Provincial Councils for their work. It 'been a really important job to coordinate the responses of individual communities with this questionnaire.
All work done on that questionnaire, and especially the discussions and the conclusions we will come here will form the basis for the revision of the present Rule of Life. At the end of the Congress, Thursday morning, September 7, you will be asked to appoint an International Committee OCDS that will actually work on the revision of the Rule of Life. The basis for such revisions will be the conclusions of the Congress of 1996, the responses for the preparation of the Congress, and the conclusions of this Congress. Once appointed, the Committee, coordinated the Secretariat General OCDS and canonical experts appointed by Father General, the work will be done. When it is finished, the result will be sent to all districts of the Secular Order for comments and feedback. Receiving the observations and comments, it will make the appropriate adjustments, and the document will be presented to the Holy See for approval.
The basic structure of the new Rule of Life will be as follows: a.
Rule of St. Alberto
b. Vocations of the laity in the Church and the Order
c. Charisma Teresiano as it is experienced by members of the OCDS
d. Discernment and training
e. Apostolate and training
f. Government structure and
g. Local statutes
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