The OCDS and missions - Marie Claire Icery, OCDS
Holy Spirit 2 The
Monastero Di Mauro 2
Secular Order of Caramel 2
Carmelite Fathers Of The Community
2 PART 2
The first mission of the Secular: living in community 2
The Secular and contemplative prayer in the heart of the world 3
Secular: its mission within the Church 3
The Secular Church in the service of local 4
The Secular open to new information technologies for the Evangelization of five brothers
The Secular Order of Caramel as an integral part 5
The formation of the Secular Order in Mauritius 5
The Secular employee of the Church of Mauritius the integration of the marginalized 6 post-synodal
The Secular encounter with other religions. 6
The Secular Order, a project under construction
Camilo Maccise Reverend Father, Reverend Father Flavian Caloi
Reverend Father Aloysius Deeney, OCD
brothers and sisters of the secular Caramel, I think it would be presumptuous of me to give a talk to the commentators and experts in the field of spirituality.
let me at the school of our Therese of Lisieux, to share with you in absolute confidence a few thoughts and ideas expressed within our brotherhood of Mauritius on the theme "The Secular Carmelites as agents of spirituality in mission lands," meaning to mission lands all over the world, since we are called to a new evangelization.
course before doing so I would like to briefly introduce you the island of Mauritius, which has become independent in 1968 and now the Republic. 65 km long. 45 wide, the island of Mauritius is situated 855 km. east of Magadascar, ie more than 1800 km. from the African coast. With the island of Reunion, its closest neighbors, form the Mascarene archipelago.
has a population of approx. one million and 200 thousand inhabitants, of whom 350 thousand are Catholics. There is a
extraordinary diversity of the population: indigenous, Creole, French, Chinese and English living and working in total freedom of religious expression, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.
The Church of Mauritius is currently in full renewal. Our Bishop. Maurice Piat, in 1997 invited Christians to join a synod of three years, a way to celebrate the Jubilee of the Incarnation of Christ. This Synod is currently in its terminal phase.
The island of Mauritius, a missionary par excellence, August 24, 1975, saw the foundation of a Caramel. Currently 19 of cloistered Carmelite nuns live there 25 years from the absolute of God in their brotherhood Carmelite Thanks, now independent, has put down roots.
In the area of \u200b\u200bCaramel was to be born, March 25, 1983, the Secular Order Carmelite fraternity that brings together lay people who live in the open world the values \u200b\u200bof Caramel.
We are 16 members of different origins and cultures. Everyone has their own profession: nurse, civil servant, teacher, women entrepreneur or just mothers and fathers, who have the difficult task of transmitting to their children the moral values \u200b\u200bof which they are entrusted, and which tend to disappear today .
COMMUNITY Carmelite Fathers
Another grace granted by the Lord was the foundation of our fathers on the island of Mauritius. Father Titian, the first missionary in Madagascar, was the founder.
Fathers dealing with a parish and are available for spiritual guidance, preaching retreats, and also follow the Carmelite Sisters of the Secular. They planned to build a retreat house for the propagation of Carmelite spirituality, which many people are thirsty.
The mission of the Carmelite Fathers in Madagascar has already paid off: there are many vocations to the priesthood, a score of priests already adorn the Order of Madagascar, and forty are preparing for the priesthood. And 'work intense and generous missionary that our fathers have played in Madagascar that has made possible the establishment in Mauritius, 13 December 1998. A young Maurice continues at this time his theological studies in Rome. Mauritians
I deeply appreciate the presence of the Carmelite Fathers. Willingly share their concerns and rely on them to learn to pray in silence and withdrawal.
The testimony of our Carmelite invites people to join them for prayer and the Liturgy of the Hours, celebrated in the church. This is also a way to call young people to religious life.
We can conclude by saying that the mission of our fathers started in Madagascar, the island continues Journal of the island of Mauritius and Reunion will be August 25 this year. A community of Carmelites will be installed there with the intention to continue the mission begun in the previous two islands. We thank the Lord for his divine care.
the first mission of the Secular: COMMUNITY LIFE IN COMMUNITIES
The first mission is always within their fraternity. The Secular
's mission is to live fully in community life within their own fraternity in a spirit of brotherhood that must grow every day in the variety of temperaments, cultures, ethnic groups, differences in age, home and sensitivity. Armed with this sincere desire for integration within their own fraternity, through this tissue, which is experiencing a personal relationship with each member, based on mutual respect, love, charity, confidence, courtesy, tolerance, forgiveness. Spiritual work that you have never done, but the Holy Spirit is constantly at work in each of the members of the Secular.
Thus was born the same training mission inside of his fraternity, before entering the mass of people to live their spirituality and ask the school of Christ, Master and Lord, serving the poorest and least protected.
The Secular and contemplative prayer in the heart of the world
From the perspective of the contemplative, the Secular develop within their own fraternity, the desire for a more fruitful Christian life, based on gold, the inner search for God, the practice of silence, asceticism, the offering to God of their daily suffering (SIC Estr., vol. 29, 1996, n. 5). It allows plenty of space and depth to the Eucharist in the life and meditate on the Word of God
therefore support his brothers and sisters in his prayer. To do this sitting at the school of our fathers Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, the undisputed masters of the experience God's prayer and contemplation. Do not hesitate to devote a special place for prayer in their lives. This personal relationship in this heart to heart with the One we know loves us - "the Lord liveth before whom I am" - allows you to cast a contemplative look at the reality of men and women of today, not to judge, but to tell to discover the challenges of our time, sowing with him deep into the vineyard of the Lord [sic]. The Secular
: its mission within the Church
"The Church was founded with the aim of making it through the spread of the Kingdom of Christ throughout the earth to the glory of God the Father, sharing in all men saving work of redemption, and through them the whole world might in Christ "(Vat, AA No. 2). When we see the extension of the mission of the Church are bound to ask questions. What
urgent mission for the Church to evangelize and sanctify the people of God! What a responsibility to participate is given to each member of the Mystical Body: priest, religious / y, according to their own secular state and charisma, sharing the gifts received by the Holy Spirit for the sanctification of all mankind. In the Church we always talk about more of these shared responsibilities. The Carmelite
/ a centuries-old is aware of this. He lives in communion with the church, her marriage to Christ / a also participates in the priestly, prophetic and kingly mission of Christ. He knows that, fortified / a from Him through the Holy Spirit in Confirmation, it has a duty to carry out this mission of evangelization and sanctification of God's people to mo 'yeast, in the name of the church. It should be 'to meet his brothers and sisters in their working environment in their offices, their families, hospitals, schools and youth movements: the guides, scouts and all the parish associations and social.
This mission of evangelization and sanctification will also be present in more secular environments.
He / she has the tough task of representing the Caramel in the middle humanity. So has the responsibility of being a true witness, who is not afraid to give his testimony of belonging to Christ.
E 'attention to enlightening to those who, increasingly, disappointed not to have met the necessary solidarity within the church and saturated with a world where more and more consumerism and materialism to the bitter end wild, they turn to the seven to find a supposed "truth" which is nothing but a chimera. It 's a sad fact that you come across a bit' anywhere in the world. E 'in caring to return these lost sheep to the fold, giving himself no rest until it has accomplished its mission. The Secular
his mission in the heart of the world, keeps in mind the words of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus which explains the topic of the mission, which she treated within the church:
"I have the vocation of be an apostle. I would go all the earth, but only one of them is not enough, I proclaim the gospel at the same time in all the five parts of the world, to the most remote islands .... " Invite
in this way every Carmelite / a secular missionary in an intense life.
To accomplish its mission in the heart of the world, the Carmelite Secular will face many misunderstandings, fratricidal wars, beliefs popular that go against the principles of the Gospel. (For example, the tendency of Catholics to resort to witchcraft and those who predict the fortune, expecting miracles from them when they face some difficulties such as illness or setbacks).
In some countries will make the ordeal of having to struggle against the political regimes that foster and condone corruption. His way of dealing with these situations will serve as an example to men of good will. Entrusts his mission to Mary, Queen of Caramel, a son, so she him / aids to take upon himself all this misery in the world. Mary will be his guidance and support. Overcoming
with prudence and patience the inevitable difficulties of his ministry, grow in holiness, as testimony to the spirituality of Caramel in this world.
The Secular Church in the service of local
Our fraternity Mauritius, due to ethnic, cultural and professional development of its members, make available to the Church and of great wealth, which is characterized by a variety of services:
• listening •
parish in the reading of the Word on Sundays
• the service of the Eucharist to the sick, at home
• spiritual accompaniment in cities
• help workers in administrative processes, to prevent abuse. For example, there are loan sharks who are abusing the lack of ability of some people to correctly complete the administrative forms
• the approach the competent authorities, when the case so requires
• the regularization of marital situations
• • the teaching of human values \u200b\u200bto young people, schools and religious education
• love - for example information followed by a prompt explanation and discussion on topics such as: 1) the parent / child relationship, 2) abortion and the doctrine the church in this respect, respect for life, 3) divorce; 4) the methods contraceptives in family planning, 5) many other topical issues for young people. •
catechesis in primary
• animation Catholic Child (for children by children), children are taught to take initiatives, such as visiting the poor children, orphans, the sick, and know through the collective game
• participation in the project of the Catholic school which is to provide, along with training materials to the school, including the ability to receive the Church's teaching. The teacher can not believer to practice his profession in Catholic schools, but engaging to respect the time prescribed by the program for catechesis, freeing the students for this purpose.
One of the reasons that questions the Secular and invites you to immerse yourself in social activities, is the observation made in Mauritius of a growing number of people disappointed and depressed. They are the result of an industrial development very fast. This development has created an unbalanced situation with which the rich are increasing, and the poor getting poorer.
People have completely lost hope, and if not recovered may resort to suicide, as noted by a recent survey. The Secular
open to new information technologies for the evangelization of the brothers
"The word of God is by nature a word, dialogue and communication. E 'come to restore the communication between God and humanity, and between person and person "(excerpt from" The Church in Africa ").
The Secular learns to adapt to new media, coming in an open, to seize these new contributions with discernment and critical thinking. E 'means that they make you conscious consumerism to excess and often involves attacks on the dignity of the person, such as advertisements or pornography.
The Carmelite is therefore called to be formed in such a wonderful tool that is the computer, if it has the opportunity to serve for the evangelization of his brothers and sisters, by establishing a broad dialogue in times when we speak of global village (globalization). This means of communication, along with many others, he / permits an interchange about brotherly love and respect for cultures and religions.
The Secular Order of Caramel as part
The Secular Carmelite belongs to the family despite his state in life. E 'child of the same Order. The Carmelite Secular will communicate the same fraternal spiritual gifts (From the Rule of Life).
receives much of the spirituality of Caramel in Lectio Divina, conferences of the Carmelite Fathers, in the annual retreats. It is nourished by the prayers of the Carmelites and Carmelite, bringing his own, made up of all the misfortune in the world. He lives in symbiosis with the Order.
works with all, Carmelites in total confidence and respect of "skills" of each. It helps to define projects and take action with the consent of his superiors, to promote Carmelite spirituality in the world, all the main aim of his apostolic work.
intimacy with the Lord has always lived in prayer for him / her source of spiritual graces, and also of strength and courage to live his own reality of people in hiding and called upon to carry out its task in today's world.
"His spirituality is lived within the Order, and / gives it a particular way of living witness of Christ in human affairs in which the place is / a". This phrase applies well to the Secular to be the BEST MAN FOR EXCELLENCE IN THE WORLD OF CARAMEL.
The formation of the Secular Order in Mauritius
The President and the teacher training process a type of training for the Secular and offer assistant to his father. This program opens the following perspectives of spirituality.
1) A beginning at the second choice, and depending the charisma of each aspirant.
2) A share on gold, the difficulties and problems encountered during the past month.
3) A study of part of the Rule of Life, with discussions on fidelity to the commitments made: the faithful to prayer daily, the office of the Hours, the Eucharist daily if possible.
4) A familiarity with the writings of the saints of Caramel. There is no taxation for Lectio Divina, but each member, depending on your aspirations, it shares with the teacher or the particular aspect of training chosen. Can take advantage of what the other candidates in training.
It 'obvious that the teacher training She also has begun to Carmelite spirituality, because it allows the transmission of the true values \u200b\u200bin the pure tradition of Caramel and its teachings.
That is invited to attend courses taught in institutes of education of the Christian faith. For example:
I. The Institute of Theology and Human Sciences of Mauritius
II. The training on other ecclesial spirituality, he has the desire and the time
III. All training offered by the commentators, at the invitation of the bishop of the country. The Secular
employee of the Church of Mauritius for the integration of the marginalized post-synodal
Unfortunately, the islands of Mauritius, like many African countries, suffers the problem of illiteracy. Although primary education is free, a certain stratum of the population, called "Creole", not approve, and that by reason of the fact that parents do not believe that the education given to children to help them find a job in public institutions or the private sector. Unfortunately, some who are mostly ethnic strata are privileged than others, and are more likely to succeed.
The Church tries to raise their level for a human, social and professional.
the Secular in Mauritius wishes to listen to all this trouble, and approaches to every outsider, wherever is met, accepting it, trying to figure it out, and generously offering his help, giving moral support, financial and technical, it has the ability to turn. Otherwise, the spokesman of his situation at the institutions established for that purpose.
The Secular as proof of great patience and charity towards the marginalized, inviting him to take charge of their destiny, to come to be a strong and responsible person.
days of listening.
A day of play was organized in December of 1999, to enable every person who had problems to be heard and helped by the availability of members of the Secular Order.
The spiritual level.
The Secular uses the means recognized by the Church to evangelize their brothers and sisters marginalized. For example, the meditated Rosary, the translation of the Bible in local language (Creole), for better dissemination of the Word of God teaches
exclusion to deepen the Word of God and asked him to transmit those values \u200b\u200bto his brothers and sisters. The Secular
encounter with other religions.
Interreligious dialogue.
To take the words of His Holiness Pope John Paul II in his Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Vita Consecrata No 102:
"Since the inter-religious dialogue is part of the evangelising mission of the Church, the Institutes of Consecrated Life can not help from engaging in this field, each according to his charisma and following the instructions from the Church. "
My humble view is that the Secular, like any dedicated, has a role to play in inter-religious dialogue. This mission is more interesting for the Carmelite / a secular in Mauritius, the very fact that there is an island, side by side with other religions: Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism.
His attitude of openness, tolerance, respect, and his sincere desire to meet each other in this who believes in his habits, rites of his religion, is' the Secular a credible witness of the spirit of ecumenism desired by the Catholic Church.
with his brother who has a faith different from his, the Secular must find a common field of action that promote the dignity of the person, the search for common tools to alleviate physical suffering, where there are meetings for the Protection of peace, respect for the dignity of women, still often regarded as a national second-order.
No doubt we should hope that the Secular be formed properly before embarking on initiatives, but they should in any case have the approval of the Order of Caramel and bring in the daily activities of the religious convictions of our Church, which of course must be anchored her.
The Secular Order, a project under construction
The Secular Order in Mauritius has a plan for the future, a project that is currently under development and will allow the secular Carmelite spirituality and of being agents of development. Indeed, there are profound links between evangelization and development, human development and freedom. Every baptized in Mauritius will be invited to participate.
The project will work towards the integration of the poorest and most helpless in the Church and society. The Creole language, the only happens in the whole island will be the instrument for achieving this mission. The mysteries of the rosary will be translated into Creole, as the rosary is considered the "Bible of the poor" and a "gospel short."
this purpose will be made available to the Carmelite Secular some means of dissemination and more effective assistance for the poor:
1. audiovisual
2. Figures
3. films
4. audiotapes and videotapes
5. The theater
Secular aims to visit families to meet them better and become aware of their problems, to make the necessary help. The Secular
other volunteers will train for the ministry. We strive to offer spiritual help and arrange with the priest of the parish retreats, evenings of prayer and dialogue.
On a practical level will be set up a savings bank for the poor, so they can get those who can not get loans from the banks for lack of collateral. CONCLUSION
Dear brothers and sisters of the secular, thank you for listening. The school of the saints of the Carmelite Secular is called y / y to give his testimony of faith and love in our broken world.
Let us hope we can get, putting into practice the phrase "key" of our Holy Father John of the Cross, "where there is no love put love and you'll get love."
Icery Marie Claire, OCDS
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