Thursday, September 16, 2010

Slogans For Cultural Fest

Milan, no IBL in 2011, word of Fraccari

The President loses his balance, he believes it extremely unlikely in an input by the IBL franchise in 2011.

So read the statements of President Fraccari last public appearance in Bolgna.
"... Maybe! Extend IBL already for 2011 would be great, I'd like.
But I'm not so convinced. I do not think the company is ready for Milan next season, despite certain claims. ..
Turin is even more remote. Rome Instead I see it closer. But that's okay
any reality, as long as they comply with the requirements, the structure in order to remain at a certain level. Again, I am extremely in favor of an enlargement. But enlargement will be a real, concrete.
Otherwise it makes no sense ... "
words intended to gloat and pawing the candidates for the throne, quick to point out a duality-Genzale Fraccari that probably does not exist, especially when it comes to sports business, where are the numbers that they must speak, not sympathy or envy policies.
read in this light, the President's words sound more like a warning as old as the world that the shortcuts are not always the best way to go. How
blame! Landing Milan
in IBL in 2011, it seems to us more of a miracle that a difficult task, certainly not for the lack of willingness and ability of the Company free components, as technical and bureaucratic obstacles and logistical really important.
The creation of a new company, which will no longer purely baseball (semi) amateur, but a real company, with a partner to capitalize on the majority and all that follows.
The need to set up a professional staff capable of withstanding the impact of the transaction described above.
The difficulty, to provide a huge sports facility not only suitable the practice of Baseball at the highest levels, but in keeping with the vision of the Baseball Genzale Family Style, not a triviality.
words Fraccari, personally, are anything but a hindrance.
are indeed an invitation to build a solid and durable, it can be put in permanently, IBL in the world, with the appropriate timing for such an operation.
The structure of the franchise has shown, despite the myriad of dissenting opinions and date of death, ready to be a structure into the future.
The cohabitation between the company and the work to be at the top of Serie A Federal, surely the tournament closer to the levels of the IBL, are proof that the will , Passion and good people are not a problem. The problem is inunfluente
time, we waited, we can wait;
in the meantime we remain spectators of disputes that have little to do with real baseball, and confirmed that only assaults in power, you know, wears those who did not have .


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