Friday, August 12, 2005

What Does Moc Moc Mean?


presentation of the topic

The heart of the Church is Christ the Lord. Of his earthly life is said in the Acts of the Apostles with a fast and wonderful synthesis that "He went about doing good and healing all" (10:38): for 2000 years this is the perfect paradigm of life that we can imagine and make in our lives. Whatever the formation process must lead to this goal.

There is yet another expression of the Gospel that we want to keep in mind in developing the argument I am presenting: "The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him" (Luke 4:16). it still continues in time the path of those who believe in him and thus ending the adventure of life.

The Church is placed in the world as light, yeast and salt Gospel, inspired and sustained by the Spirit of Christ's love in the press that each of us (2Cor.5, 14), thus continuing the mission and work of Jesus in the world and every creature. She 's the fertile womb of every vocation, dedication, mission.

On our way to the Spirit of God seeks us, finds us, forgives us, welcomes us, comforts us and advised us, transforms into true friends and family with God and with one another, communicating also all life and passion life of Christ.

E 'commitment to each, as a believer follow in the footsteps of Jesus, imitate the width of mind and intelligence, revived the memory compelling in every situation, looking with the heart to go beyond what is earthly and material.

S. Augustine offers us an evocative image of the traveler that goes, sing and walk (disc.256):
"Now our body is under the earth, then it will
the heavenly condition.
There will ring the party of God, certainly sounds too now, here.
Here, however, anxiety, there in peace.
here in the hope up there in reality.
by exiles and pilgrims here, up there in heaven.
sing well now not so much to enjoy the rest
but to raise the effort.
Sung by travelers.
Sing Walk, singing and walking. "

" Lay Carmelites are members of the Church in its own right: their identity is to be people of the Church in the heart of the world and people around the world in the heart of the Church.
E 'the world on their specific field of action, the witness of life, activity, making present God's plan for humanity: to live as children of God leaders, deepening human brotherhood, sharing with the world justice and peace. "(P. Camilo Maccise, The renewal of the Secular in the new evangelization, 1996, Congress Int. OCDS, Rome).


is not a reality to the diviners, that are constantly evolving, leaves little room for a complete and accurate prediction of Christianity in relation to it. You can not even offer quick fixes or improvised about some phenomena. It should be said immediately clear that some indications of character essential teaching remain the same in the new millennium, the approach is equal to the integral values \u200b\u200bof Christianity, while the styles and means of change or should change. However

design an image of Christianity in society of 2000 requires first you have the knowledge of the complex web of issues that affect and stress. Such knowledge should not be desk analysis, but it has groped to create a discernment of the possibilities that are offered to modern man to do good, starting with their dignity as children of God, in a secularized world.

It 'also important to keep alive the awareness of a certain alienation of the Christian than the "earthly city" because all "we are guests and pilgrims," \u200b\u200band therefore temporary camp in the city, with the imperative to make concrete choices in the line of gospel. The reality of the Church is a mystery to which all belong and the sacrament of communion, so each area must remain open to the man as a crucial requirement.

Christians in the face of accelerating technological and social changes must not close our eyes, but seek to clarify the essence of his responsibilities, especially with regard to the imperative of love altogether, in the form of service, sharing of volunteer support to the initiatives planned by any group or movement. And 'again, and always from the Gospel and the Spirit's mysterious energy that qualifies the initiative of Christians in an original way.

In this state of affairs and the confrontation between faith and life styles and cultures and must be avoided that ceiling moral of the past, when every social change was seen as dangerous and therefore was denied (the Industrial Revolution, the birth of the labor movement, capitalism, lending at interest ..). The responsibility of the Lay Carmelite is to work in secular life this precious gospel of mediation between the absolute and ever-changing realities of daily life.

The believer must be trained in modern times to give priority to the ethics of accountability and responsibility for achieving the common good and to participate in the Church's journey in the way of evangelization and human promotion. Adult in faith, in adult the secular life becomes an active and irreplaceable in this role. Some actually takes him under pressure from close up to him and respond, react with the autonomy of his intelligence and his profession of faith.

There are social expectations in today's world, which unfortunately are delayed, creating paradoxical situations and potentially dangerous: endemic poverty, denial of civil rights, economic neo-colonialism creeping discrimination, refusal to profess their religion, injustice continues, strong migration , regional conflicts, ethnic claims, absolutist regimes, perennial imbalance between the populations themselves are older than those between North and South. The believer stands in reality these sick and rotten and shouts its presence as an agent of change in the name of the Lord. Spirituality and commitment you need to combine closely, in the sense of an embodied spirituality, a diaconate.

The civilization of the image has already produced a profound renewal in the costume of these years: to look not only acculturate, but to perceive, react, want, fear, hear and feel involved with respect to the flow of what you can presentato.Si achieve a genuine service to culture, knowledge, awareness, but you can also fake, pollute, distort the truth of the facts and the dignity of persons. The Lay Carmelite has its own responsibilities in the choice of media, or in adhering to projects that respect the man, nature, minorities. It 's the easier way to capture the consensus and also puts a strain on our rotten ways to present Christianity to our contemporaries.

microelectronics revolution wrought by information if one part is leveling organizational capabilities in the world of work and commerce at the global level, the other is even more humiliating the poor, cut off once again from any form of and are therefore potentially well-being.

we emphasize also the theme of globalization, a term now widely practiced by the society of economic power and that extends to many areas of life. On the one hand all around the world seems to be shortened by the possibility of operating direct communication and response, but on the other perpetuates the imbalances between rich and poor, because it springs from the logic of capitalism which by its nature is not to discount range anyone having as sole objective the pursuit of profit. The "new economy" as it is called today did not ultimately understood the common good in a moral sense, but in a sense the competition in a wicked game of relentless law firm, whose center is a consumer from persuade and entice you to consume. Capitalism, market company and the same individual in a liberal society is a melting pot of every possible interest omnivorous materiale.Giustamente it was noted that should keep an eye on the effects of globalization, why not add other ills in society is weak and does not create new needs and ephemeral consumption or worthless. They actually induce consumer behavior and attitudes, change the way of looking at life, evaluate it and to take powers and services. Globalisation is seen as a rapid response service for the poor and dispossessed can instead be a valuable instrument of evangelical charity. One difficulty

note for those who live today is to reconstruct in his mind the diversity of cultural stimulation, social and material it receives. Units to reduce the complexity of the world vital to find a viable way to her condition or personal or familial, or professional, or relational. There's nothing more traditional in this changing scenario that may help the individual, because even the most essential values \u200b\u200bare described and presented in another way, from other priorities explanatory or argumentative. Hence according to sociologists the sense of unease, uncertainty, anxiety and insecurity in contemporary society, but may find its greatest assets on which the ego engages the deep Christian faith.

The physical security or economic policy alone is not sufficient to guarantee the dignity of the person I am sure a qualified starting point, but alone would not raise the question of religion, which instead has at its root the encounter with Christ the Redeemer 's man. And 'this evidence of good that can still attract the person as always, just when it is sincere in listening to his soul in its material needs. The

live for the day, the testing continues to prefer the decision rather than stable, the same weak thought in vogue in the West (in sharp contrast to the strong thought that drove the last few centuries even within the Church), the deliberate omission of past as a land reference are the other environmental conditions which falls today the commitment of Christian living and shares hard gestational this society, taking from time to time of posting critical attitudes, supervision and backup., or reasoned action . Since the Church placed in the world as light, leaven and salt, continuing the mission and work of Jesus in the world and every human being.


Life is a mystery and history walks: there is also a life long enough to understand it through and interpret the best of terms. The training helps us in this adventure

E 'prerequisite discover their role, or vocation, to choose the way of being in life, not to allow live wearily, or trailer of what others will require more or less veiled.

gifts, skills, el qualities and gifts that were donated, must be taken, scanned and enhanced and always placed in the circle of life: it is they who determine our personality. Of great help in this area are the human sciences and psychology.

There is a continuous evolution in the microcosm of the person (age, environmental conditions, unforeseen events, meetings determinants, cultural acquisitions, favorable or unfavorable aspects of life, unique opportunities), which in the macrocosm of history in which we live (political conditions , geographical, ideological struggles, discrimination, education, economy, national and international political alliances, political groups ...). For all these reasons taken individually or intertwined, it can not only endure, or passively accept everything, because what is at stake is the preservation of human dignity. Christian formation has a delicate and precious.

Fatigue inculturation of the faith in terms of time and place: all is not peaceful and easy to resolve, certainly outweigh the pressures and demands of such material, and sometimes it comes to being in the minority of their faith in a context of religiosity, or different or religious hostility, and often also the economic interests seeking to marry religious ones, with a humiliating and disgraceful practical outcome, in which some Christians, or the hierarchy sided with the powerful.
There are appalling conditions of life in some countries that require Christians to a free and clear choice of field, stable and fighting an option to change the situation.
The same weakness of people who believe sometimes generates fear, away from the problems, lack of sensitivity, in an ad disembodied escape the message of salvation.

not always obvious tracks to escape and / or recipes to solve some very complex issues: You feel very helpless and sometimes must rely on a long time, as more appropriate, check that the partial results: training is as a fixed point from which and to whom refer in the variety of temporary means to be used.

unfortunately still persists in a church clericalism dies hard in practice than in teaching the doctrine of official dominance of the hierarchy and in evaluating the problems in their management. The Catholic laity, as well as the world of women inside and outside the religious life, still lives today in a position ancillary to subordination, reverence, despite an increasing cultural background and spiritual formation received and absorbed. This is particularly true in Twilight the Western world, where there is only evidence of a shortage of priests or clerics to lead to greater openness of shared responsibility for the laity.

At this stage the groups and movements also continue to work with a strong push of proselytism, hermetic closure to them, a sense of superiority over other forms of secularism known as "generic" (in the sense of an unwanted combination of them), with a disregard to the collaboration, with a jealousy which flaunt the numbers as proof of their strength or international. Often in order to emerge begging for protection or a certificate of public esteem to the Bishops and Cardinals. Undoubtedly the layman believer, such as the Carmelites, can feel a sense of unease, of minority or marginalized in the face of such mass show of well-organized and often well nourished, economically. Caramel normally witness Teresa does not like the noise and advertising: it is only the holiness of its members that generates awe, admiration and a following even on a planetary level. (The two Theresas, Edith Stein, Elizabeth of the Trinity ...).

The same problem of combining faith and life, reason and the mystery remains cross dialectic, which places the believer in continuous need of conversion-change interior of repolish the objectives of his life, to verify the means of arriving a possible equilibrium although many of instability. And 'This is also the threshold for the initiation of any spiritual path, oriented to the perfection of charity.

Finally, there is a need now more informed through the media, to receive and accept the richness of the educational paths of others and other cultures, the need to dialogue, to learn better to know the open and friendly with others, be open to suggestions of all the good work in the world. It 'an immense spiritual, human and civic spaces comes to us and calls attention today can actually say that there are several barriers to realizing that we are not the only carriers of non-material values \u200b\u200band this allows us to better update our itineraries or authenticity of life.

formative stages for Lay Carmelites


knowledge of the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof Christianity, those that mark membership, according to a line of fidelity to Christ and his Gospel of salvation, just as there is was transmitted by the Apostles and as it is jealously guarded in its entirety and as you develop in the biblical and theological reflections.
This is not least for all members of the OS to have necessarily a complete and theological knowledge on every subject, but a personal attachment to everything the Church teaches and that Order remedy for a spiritual sensitivity, a certainty of the way, a company in the journey of faith. The goal is adultezza and stability of their faith, practiced and professed. Already
that is a sacramental formation process: from the Baptism Anointing of the sick there is the whole dynamic of the paschal character of life redeemed.
Even the cadence of the liturgical season can be a stimulus to faith education, if properly perceived as thought and fervent adherence to the liturgical Moneti.
Many are now possibilities for education according to their needs, from regular courses iaccademici mpegnativi, to the "Christian schools" which are very popular among mivimenti groups and also within the parish. This initiative is in place for many years in Italian Secular. Especially in the West there is no risk of illiteracy, in the sense that it was completely forgotten the initial training related to the sacraments of Christian initiation, and this has led to a disaffection with the important values \u200b\u200band uncertainty about the substance of their faith.
If it is true that Christianity means above all a total adherence to the Lord, it is equally important to break out of a devotional too often sterile, which eventually can paralyze any commitment, witness, or reduce to a private religion.
must also emphasize that God educates his people, so it is a duty of believers to have access to him and let themselves be educated: it is a slow ripening and persevering, without exaggeration and without the mental anxiety of wanting to know all the dogma. It happens mainly through the grace of God and S. Santo, as a guide to receive what the Lord wants to tell everybody, or to request or donate.
The inner maturity coincides with a process of internal liberation from things, people, a kind of top view or from the inside of everything that runs in your personal life in order to be able to manage without being dominated, giving sottofini without stirring, to use material goods without being used.
The dignity of being children in the Son of God, followers of his Gospel involves us in God's plan for us, sliding into his story makes us brothers and our horizontal axis as a sign of reciprocity also very successful at the operational level.
In this basic training the conscience of the subject becomes transparent in the sense of a moral life consists in the interpretation of life in the light of the Gospel.
The synthesis of this first stage of the formation of the lay Carmelite is the 'Education for Love:
it expresses the desirability and attractiveness of the message of salvation
concretized the universal vocation to holiness
brings together all the practical answers and ideals of the commitment of the believer
adding the requirement judgments of credibility on what operiamno and also marks the final decision.
also the beginning of this new millennium is here that we must always go to any methodological reflection or content: start with a God who is Love, revealed in his Son Jesus Christ as the mercy and unfailing communion with each of us.
This love given to all, everyone came to pervade the universe and waiting to be revealed by each of us, from a confidential way of total surrender to Him edentro the context of the vicissitudes of life.
should always start from this point vertically to understand God and to understand one another, to cross the times and seasons in history, to give a strong size and full of value to all that slips through the experience of everyday life.
In Christian education we must not from her own weakness and poverty, imperfection and sinfulness of our deeds, but this beauty that still and always warms the world and urges intact with confidence toward the fulfillment of his destiny. The learning-
subtle expression of love is that commuting is between the offer of God and the slow absorption personnel, fighting to keep a perspective of fidelity to it and the inevitable moments of rallentameto: pedagogically, we can say some that are very useful educational information:
a will you decide to move forward, followed by a personal commitment
asceticism in its various forms
assiduous sacramental vitality
We can also define them, such resources as catalysts to unite the free gifts from above, and their practicality in the life of the believer.
pages more intense and rich experiential our saints are all oriented and focused in this direction and I'm really a powerful stimulus for all members of Caramel to be credible and true love received and given back both to God and to others.
Love itself contains in itself an exceptional charge formation and at the same time represents the culmination of the whole educational process of the person.


Its task is to determine the membership of vocations to the religious family in the substance of our traditional spiritual message and also in helping to co-viability, development and expansion of it around the world. Even if we can find in the laity in general and many scholars elective attention and full of admiration for Caramel, its traditions, its saints, is an integral part of the Secular Order.
It is a full, together with the nuns, the richness and variety and diversity of spiritual paths in the context of the life of the world.
The same root, the same values, the same rule mark the identity of layman named in Caramel, the training should help the discovery of this identity, strengthens the lay pushes styles of embodiment. Unfortunately, sometimes one gets the impression that some charge is enough devotional, which is sufficient momentum uncommunicative underwear, which is only a spur to something else (psychological support, problem solving, a peace equidistant from the stresses of life) .
must start again from the concept of vocation to Caramel, which is the awareness that this is a gift that has been done to the creature, that his whole life is in "the hands of another" and from now on is defined by the relationship with Him, to Him we surrender everything, it's like being at risk total have focused on one goal. In this respect there is no difference between the various vocations to Caramel, changing only the method of application and expression. For all
is valuable and strong appeal to union with God and prayer life, typical of our charism, but each must be kept clear is the diversity in research, development, because it is too important to the uniqueness of the gifts that the Holy S. absolute freedom granted to each. We can summarize by saying that the concept is only the starting point, only the goal, and many different roads to get there and to live out that vocation.

The answer to the call takes the form the delivery of self-willed and thoughtful Caramel: the journey is made for simplicity and humility, for companionship with other brothers and sisters ideal and real: the icon is the first community gathered in the Cenacle, with Mary, waiting for the Holy Spirit. In particular one should feel and express his joy at being called to the Order, to be able to grow with a certain appearance along with others, to compare with others like him called. Sometimes there is a risk you want to create lay specialists in the teaching of our saints, not the primary objective and quiet, why has more "experience" of what Caramel brings a gift to the Church. Personal experience, with accents and different vibrations, with a logical group of communion with a spirit of mutual solidarity and encouragement in the realization of love. Membership
legal order must be enlivened by an original contribution that the Order itself is expected from the laity in the world speak of different experiences that lead to continuous mediation with the Christian commitment, I am referring to the possibility of entering without prejudice or labels in certain sectors of civil life, the direct evidence on the ground with a lifestyle alternativo.E 'as a silent protest and active mode of behavior, then a counter which is evident by itself, without oratorical emphasis.
list here a number of occasions traditional personal training and group and tested by experience, that can help the formation of the lay Carmelite, still keeping it away from rigid patterns and obligations imposed by law.
The training sessions should be frequent, therefore, taking into account only the members of the lay state of the OS, often working full-time in family, professional or material: the timing and moments of it must be able to retain this and in no way preclude the participation of most, otherwise you may only talk to people retired.
The same thing goes for the annual spiritual exercises: You should always be confirmed, perhaps in ways other than an estate, or with the possibility for the most part to be involved in at least reading the reports or spread to other media.
spiritual reading on the figure and the doctrine of our Holy is also a form of communion with the Order in its substance: as we know everyone has his reactions, his emotions and then the same text may have different results according to the vibration and special sensitivity. And 'let oppportuno accompanied by proposals that we are better, it is not necessary to know all the texts in depth: what is presented to us is a universe as rich and stimulating, but then everyone has to adhere to what is most useful in a given time. There are many roads leading to the goal: to live in allegiance to Jesus Christ to love God and serve him in others.
is not the great and wide culture that encourages the spiritual life, but the experience that we are allowed to do: here there are realities or religious values \u200b\u200bor reserved for nuns, because everything is accessible by the laity, as well as the Gospel can not in any way in favor of privatizing some. E 'S. Holy acting when and how they want the soul that is opened and the results are not only perfection, but also an entry in the mystical dimension.
Spiritual direction is another very educational useful: it is a journey, it is clear that one must start with a proposal, try to find ways and means, to verify the results and have the courage to change if there is any improvement. Stand confidently in the hands of a Carmelite priest possibly means finding a sense of security and peace, means to demonstrate the constructive engagement of one's will with regard to vocational response. This
Carmelite formation inevitably leads to a practice of prayer, according to the method of Teresa: Liturgy of the Hours, staff or community prayer, meditation enter into the life of the lay Carmelite Order as a substantial factor. It is inappropriate to determine the hours or time to adjust, because it becomes habit sopprattutto interior, and then can combine with the most diverse activities: Since all the emphasis is placed on the concept that tries to answer the prayer of love, then you must leave ample room for more personal initiatives, do not bind anyone.
Life itself becomes a stimulus for prayer at the end of each day strong educational, because it conditions the choices, leads to the generosity in fulfilling its duties, help in difficulties, brings as a sign of blessing in tangible assets, connects with the Prayer of the Church and the Order, is in need of rescue, not only personal but also community, opens our hearts to others, gives a sense of inner peace.
In the life of prayer, the three cardinal virtues are activated directly as experience. The example is the little Teresa, who became the patron saint of missions from the cloister.
in recent decades has become increasingly also in the Secular lectio divina: education is important to listen to God, and obey his voice, and will, to enjoy the message in a direct confrontation with their own lives to learn that pregnant silence of God, which we have spoken our Santi.C 'is always a personal enrichment of the Word, which is evoked = call out to reveal his ability to fascinate, to draw us and push us towards its fulfillment. There are many ways to practice and each group is encouraged to develop it according to his needs, but always open to all.
E 'valuable direct contact with the monastic and religious life of our order: we invite young people to this contact, put into practice because they see that longing for a life full of God for them is like a miracle, curiosity, a challenge. These contacts can also occur as a time of fellowship, participation in special liturgies and celebrations, dialogue. Here we can see the contemplative dimension of life, his expended as adultezza evangelical faith.


an event along the way, the trajectory of the baptismal vocation of the priesthood and common: the same faith and pilgrimage in the mysteries of God touching the world and man, life and death. So his job is to bring out the truth, that is what God is and does in us and for us.
It 's a walk together in the womb of the Church in the discovery of self and reality of others with their diversity and experience, without suffering, without quell'omogenietà from college, or asylum or prison or barracks.

must be open to the sense of gratitude and gratuity: equivalent to look at life and themselves as a gift of salvation and continued full of gifts that are from above. Thank God for everything we received and our job is to wise stewards who must then be accountable. In this strategy extremely simple spiritual gift received tends to be a gift given: self-giving life to others is recharged continuously, constantly get richer. The experience of our saints and blessed is centered around this to give thanks to God for His infinite mercy and plenty of gifts to sing the mercies of God, celebrated in her own life as an everyday occurrence. Here is some space for political or social accountability, support for humanitarian interventions to support the defense of the family and its intrinsic values \u200b\u200band for any voluntary.

should arouse a sense of responsibility in freedom: it is the Gospel put hand to the plow, making decisions, walking forward without looking back, not ever abdicate its own personality, even when he has to purify or make some disclaimers: It 's so-called difficulty of living in which each played liberamante and responsibly, and expresses his lifestyle. The lay person should act as a layman, demanding respect for the role of vocation and the avoidance of non-compatible with its status. The first area of \u200b\u200bthis secularism will be hard to live the reality of the person, family, social and professional, without following the common fashion. Just as life itself becomes a sacramental sign of the presence of the Lord. The virus of individualism is beaten by collaboration with others to improve the quality of life.

Opening up new horizons historical and spiritual icon is the road to Emmaus.
The windows of the mind and soul must remain open, because the spiritual or historical scenarios are constantly evolving. This means not ever regret the past, but know that God is immutable and dwelt among us can not be entered into a condition worse. The concept of training is already the seeds of renewal, because it is a continuous read and interpreted in the light of the existence of God, always new and unfailing.
emerges here all the spiritual significance of training: it's like a sow, even if the fruits are not seen immediately and failures always at hand. In fact every unsuccesso can push us more towards other roads, or pay more attention to the power of Spirito.L 'opening scene may already be starting with what happens in the parish: the willingness to take ministerial forms of charity, cooperation with 'pastoral activities, issues of direct participation in community life.

are no educational principles to save the man, even if the wrong ones can destroy it. This is not to find the techniques of success, but to help everyone to find their dignity and full guideline in the faith received and professed common. The four Gospels are a model example of the possible ways of following Christ: Mt
: the gospel of the catechist
catechumen is the gospel of Luke is the gospel of John evangelizer
. It is the gospel of the priest or mature Christian.
Each of them offers the basis of Christian hope in the secular world and apathetic.

Form, or give shape to life ultimately means to obey God, His living Word, the Mother Church, which belongs to the Order in its own right: that to grow, because the God makes reliable reliable our everyday life. This is the fiat of the Virgin Mary, which precedes and accompanies all our paths. Here you can briefly mention the challenges for his new Millennium, which have already been prepared in recent years: the evangelization of the world and society, the practice of charity, support for issues of justice and peace in the world, attention to the last and finally the promotion of the dignity of the role of the laity in the Church.

In summary we can say that way today as yesterday, being a Christian means to be citizens of the intermediate time (between the first and the second coming of Christ), supported by natural and supernatural gifts and values, guided by the Scriptures, stewards of the community, in a charming inner dynamism and continuous contact with God takes us from friends, from beginning to end almost consumed by a service experience-deacons, walking with the men and hearing them as brothers. We should also emphasize the value of friendship that exists between those who are attached to Caramel through a spiritual journey and not for reasons of efficiency or expediency, but as an exercise to understand that the face of the brother / sister is one in which reflects the image of Jesus

An authentic Christian needs a few rules, a discipline of body and spiirito, a line of clear and precise. In my opinion, to give greater impetus to the OS should reduce the legislation to some essential, as is the movement and church groups, avoiding any maximalism giving spiritual and secular status that can only be practicable, taking into account the different contexts of life, avoiding the rules are suitable only for the elderly and can not be applied by all. To be educational, should only accompany the subject and remain open and flexible to various situations, particularly highlighting the organizational autonomy of the members. E 'S. Santo to give guarantees of spiritual fruit to work and commitment of the laity.


the great Family of Caramel, spread throughout the world, diverse lifestyles and roles and ministries have great confidence of the laity who comprise them feel like brothers, like true friends, as both precious and hard-working employees live in the charismatic town, both in its dissemination at all levels, both in attending the live issues of our time.
not be considered as a substitute for religious life, or as a pious association, but for what they really were from the beginning, when they asked to be part of the Order being in the world and vivendone reality.
the laity of the Church following the Council called for a new apostolic dynamism and missionary, and that they have repeatedly called for the Caramel their living presence, not only as individuals but also as a group well-formed, facing the great challenges of our time.
Fr General said last OCDS International Congress that he believes "the future of the Secular to play in this active collaboration, mature and responsible at all levels in the apostolate of the Order": It is extremely appropriate in this new World Assembly to resume these information, discuss and urgently find ways and paths of realizzazione.La formation of which has been discussed in my speech should be used to this.

In the missionary

know first of all, through our publications specific or direct contact with the missionaries, the situation of our work of proclaiming the Gospel throughout the world. Prepare
with intelligence shows missionaries, not only for the sale of the proceeds then go to the missions, but also to promote public debates, meetings with some of our missionary, spreading images and content through the local stations. Create widespread awareness and commitment to this duty of the Church and the Order.
organize prayer groups, missionary, supported by Carmelite spirituality: they may also be open to those who do not belong to Caramel and to broaden the focus to young people, because they usually show themselves very sensitive to these issues. Present
parishes that had not instigate any kind of missionary our business, our needs. To bridge al'intervento of our missionaries.
to be invented, at least for the Western world, direct collaboration in mission territories by lay Carmelite here first of all to them is sought the testimony of a believer's life, then an entry in the catechism, as an aid to the families, support for problems such as food, medical, social people. All this in a pastoral coordination arrangement. Assume certain skills, knowledge of languages \u200b\u200band culture of the people to whom it was intended. In practice, all women religious today are already doing to help the missionaries can be accomplished even by lay people, well prepared and mature, even for limited periods and as needed.
Sometimes it might be a help to missionaries and even the organization of the service for the life of every day, so that the missionary may be more free from material concerns and give himself better in his priestly ministry. It 'clear that this type of intervention, which the OCDS has not yet been used, also requires a request by the missionaries, a schedule of duties to be performed, a minimal structure for the reception, specific qualities of the participants, health physical endurance and adaptation to climatic conditions or environmental.
The harvest is always great, the problems always larger and more complex, ever-growing poverty, the needs and poverty becoming more common: the lay Carmelite spirituality incarnated must be able to express even on these challenges, according to its actual possibilities of direct or indirect. The new evangelization calls, however, that he should not move in the territories of the missio ad gentes and no charisma should never stifle the freedom of the individual or family of the subject.

in houses of prayer or retreat

Order Pastoral activity is more and more specialized to the centers of religious culture, the dissemination of spirituality, acceptance for training or for spiritual exercises and retreats. This is a bit 'to our specific charism also serves the mission.
The presence of the laity seems to be still very small: their focus could now cover all the management, organization of these centers. They should also form self-managing and disseminating all that Caramel can offer in terms of experience of interior life man of our time, which surprisingly seems to appreciate and look for what is lost in the everyday material life.
For those who have expertise and training teolgica also could open even more interesting scenarios, such as the promotion of Catholic culture, the training initiatives, courses in theology for lay people: more and more there is now a need to make available to people opportunities for reflection and meditation.

Institutes of spirituality.

The presence of the laity in the various forms of Christian culture (Universities, Journalism, Arts ...) is spreading more and more and in particular that of women. It is a reinterpretation of culture from different sides and different sensitivity, which correspond to different states of life or personal circumstances. Fortunately
Caramel boasts two holy Doctors of the Church. But now it is up to win a Lay Carmelite natural shyness and sense of dependence, to spend well-given talents and to offer with his unique genius, from a cultural background well treated and released in the crucible of scientific investigation. Potentially there are with any obstacle, what should be done would be to encourage, prepare lay people, and this form of collaboration with the religious environments where it is proposed to establish and culture.
A first step would be to accommodate some of our magazine articles, or insights, or thoughts on anything that has the vitality and spirituality of Caramel.
Another opportunity would be to go into the organizing committees for the promotion of our charisma, where there are no convents or monasteries, and so would spread even more of our doctrinal heritage.
Especially in the field of human sciences and philosophical the contribution of scholars / Lay Carmelites and would help to complement other theological explorations.

In creating prayer groups.

This is a form quite followed and appreciated, simply because you find the motivation and community of prayer. Caramel has its value and the undisputed masters of Teresa's prayer proposal is unanimously appreciated.
Here is the case with present "experience of prayer," a lot more than theory. You need to choose suitable conditions, to give continuity to the initiatives, to be able to enjoy the pauses of contemplative silence.
Lay Carmelite format is well able to withstand this kind of spiritual activity alone, or with small groups of animation.
Teaching to pray should not be a privilege for the religious, of Caramel, but of all those who have made a personal training in this area, so valuable to our charism.

In other apostolic initiatives

The first common front that lay Carmelites must share with the entire Order refers to prayer and zeal for the promotion of vocations to the Carmelite. Both
Religious Nuns that need the support, sympathy and warmth of the laity, their prayers, their sacrifices are to be faithful to the commitments made by the profession and / or the ministry.
The generosity with which the laity can help Carmelite parishes in the initiatives of charity, visiting the sick, to support groups of family spirituality, catechesis, the permanent diaconate in secretarial work ... is virtually limitless.
's just a matter of availability and suitability.
Unfortunately in the West it is still gregariousness, with little consideration for the autonomy of the laity in their functions, although there are documents of the Magisterium of the Church in their favor.
collaboration to be fruitful must be born of mutual esteem and confidence, knowing that the priest should not do everything alone, the initiatives of His Holiness is not a prerogative of only a few. The statute
theology of the laity is just to exercise his kingly office, prophetic and priestly life in the world and must be in a position to be able to manage in that direction with full authority.


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From Mt 25.40 "Whenever you did it to one of these my brethren you did it to me, "understand risk as Christ himself is the smallest: the theological and anthropological significance of the smallest is right here. The whole Christology of the poor Christ door to say that to serve Christ must reach out to small pèiù. The smallest man becomes small icon of Christ and our place is among the most just small

It must be said that each of us is "last", because this is the essential condition for the Divine Shepherd to take care of him.
There are, however, living conditions, as that term is even more evident: poverty, poverty, hunger, thirst, loneliness, collective drama, war, famine ... In contact with this world of pain, despair, one can not receive a strong stimulus to personal self-education, you learn that from practical life, we make comparisons, you are discarding secondary needs, you train to look more at the face of Jesus in the faces of the past. The great saints are all witnesses of this total and universal charity.
2. The problem of women
I pause a moment on the dignity of women: even the Pope's Apostolic Letter "Mulieris Dignitatem" (1988) had traced the line of doctrine and practice of the Church towards it. The Secular Order is made up two-thirds of women in the world. The training needs to invest resources because the space is really guaranteed action to what the Pope calls "feminine genius" in the sense that the specificity of the woman is a gift to humanity, like man, to the understanding and development of life itself. The field of action is immense, from education sector, to the welfare, cultural, religious. Operate in the name of the Lord is to open wide for a true maternity, sustained by the grace and power of S. Santo. The Pope hopes
more space to women in social life: actual uguaglienza of individual rights and therefore equal pay for equal work with respect, protection of worker-mother, career progressions right, full participation in public life, politics and economic (letter dated 29/06/1995).
Even in the life of the Church, the Pope calls for greater acceptance, respect, honor for the service that can make women, as of this dignity, their separate personalities., As collaborators apostolate. Caramel expects these responses, after having built for women who are part of the same charisma educational lines compatible with the new developments in the way of women today.

3. The youth
Latest suffering because of injustice in our society are the young: adult society demonstrates posting them, little attention to the potential of their inner richness and / or professional, not a share in the world of politics, 'economy: they are subject to exploitation as victims of consumerism and seduced by material goods. Difficult for them to find work and be considered and on the other hand the need for a certain vital security now has expanded like wildfire around the world, causing emigration to the so-called "havens of money."

The Secular Order must also be able to cope with this emergency, because of its universal vocation (published in 44 countries), finding a line of educational attention, listening, help. The practice of Gospel charity is a powerful educational value for those who work for the last, is the implementation of the central value of the person, the ability to love.


How is presented the topic of the lay vocation to Caramel?

which doctrine is presented as it is lived membership in the Order which
methods are used to encourage lay vocations
how to welcome newcomers and how they are composed.


basic training as is the preparation, with topics such as forecasts, with which development
as living the liturgical
as you prepare for the sacraments
how to read and comment on important documents of the Church as not
discriminate according to the culture
what the needs
deepest commitments which take in parish life, social and political life of lay Christians

new proposals for the formation Carmelite

such readings, meditations and insights to the beginning of the journey which
way to proceed together in groups of various nations
elasticity on the proposals for the interior formation
analysis of documents of the Order
subscriptions and read the magazines when there is no Order
P. Carmelite as an animator and as a spiritual director, as acting
participation, the larger parties ORGANIZATION Order
how to live the sense of brotherhood among the laity of Caramel, how to live in solidarity with the needy

new proposals regarding the collaboration Collaboration with the Order

Help with our missions in pastoral parish of our Guide Carmeli
prayer groups
Management, organization of shelters
Collaboration in the centers of spirituality, in magazines ....
Other aid in kind ... Proposals on new

About the Rule and Statutes

How to reduce everything to simple, so that we can oservare entirely by lay
What values \u200b\u200bto emphasize more in modern times
how to make better united the whole Family Caramel
How better respect the secular nature of the members, how to define the office within the OS

Attilio Ghisleri, OCD


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